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{{Character Profile
{{Character Profile
| strengths = Research, sweets, and tea
| strengths = Research, sweets, and tea
| strengths_jp = 研究、甘いものと紅茶
| weaknesses = Research interference, bitterness
| weaknesses = Research interference, bitterness
| weaknesses_jp = 研究の邪魔、苦いもの
| ears = She refuses to be touched on the ears or forehead.
| ears = She refuses to be touched on the ears or forehead.
| ears_jp = 耳やおでこを触れられることは断固拒否する
| tail = When she gets an idea, her tail stands on end.
| tail = When she gets an idea, her tail stands on end.
| tail_jp = なにか閃くと毛並みが逆立つ
| family = The unorthodox child of a family with a spectacular reputation in the racing world.
| family = The unorthodox child of a family with a spectacular reputation in the racing world.
| family_jp = レース界での名声華々しい一家の、異端児
| my_rule = Always cut my own hair when it grows too long.
| my_rule = Always cut my own hair when it grows too long.
| my_rule_jp = 髪は伸びてきたら自分で切る
| phone_background = It's all black to avoid glare when viewing the screen at night.
| phone_background = It's all black to avoid glare when viewing the screen at night.
| phone_background_jp = 夜、画面を見る時にまぶしくないよう黒一色
| before_a_race = Always checks the temperature, humidity, body temperature, weather, and wind direction.
| before_a_race = Always checks the temperature, humidity, body temperature, weather, and wind direction.
| before_a_race_jp = 温度、湿度、体温、天候、風向き、を確認
| good_subject = All the Sciences and Mathematics.
| good_subject = All the Sciences and Mathematics.
| good_subject_jp = 理数系全般
| secret_pride = She remembers all her experiment data and can reproduce them.
| secret_pride = She remembers all her experiment data and can reproduce them.
| secret_pride_jp = 実験データは全て記憶しており、再現できる
| frequent_purchase = 18-litre drum of ethanol, super sweet tube of whipped cream
| frequent_purchase = 18-litre drum of ethanol, super sweet tube of whipped cream
| frequent_purchase_jp = 一斗缶エタノール、激甘ホイップチューブ
| secret1 = She frequently recieves packages from overseas.
| secret1 = She frequently recieves packages from overseas.
| secret1_jp = 実は、海外からひんぱんに小包みが届いている。
| secret2 = She carelessly buys her clothes online, so they usually don't fit.
| secret2 = She carelessly buys her clothes online, so they usually don't fit.
| secret2_jp = 実は、私服はネットで適当に買うので大体サイズが合わない。
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