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{{Character Profile
{{Character Profile
| strengths = Giving in-depth food critiques
| strengths = Giving in-depth food critiques
| strengths_jp = 臨場感のある食レポ
| weaknesses = Touch-and-go ticket gates at the train station
| weaknesses = Touch-and-go ticket gates at the train station
| weaknesses_jp = 改札のタッチ&ゴー
| ears = They pick up on any sound of cooking.
| ears = They pick up on any sound of cooking.
| ears_jp = 料理の音に敏感で、ついそばだててしまう
| tail = She's not very good at playing poker, her tail calls her bluff.
| tail = She's not very good at playing poker, her tail calls her bluff.
| tail_jp = 感情のまま動いてしまうのでポーカーは苦手
| family = Her eye color came from her birth mother.
| family = Her eye color came from her birth mother.
| family_jp = 瞳の色は、産んでくれた母親譲り
| my_rule = Always stay silent and focused when eating corn!
| my_rule = Always stay silent and focused when eating corn!
| my_rule_jp = トウモロコシを食べる時は無言で集中!
| phone_background = A picture of her and her mom (it gets updated everytime she goes home).
| phone_background = A picture of her and her mom (it gets updated everytime she goes home).
| phone_background_jp = お母ちゃんとの2ショット(帰省毎に更新)
| before_a_race = In her heart it feels like she's going home, "I'm off!"
| before_a_race = In her heart it feels like she's going home, "I'm off!"
| before_a_race_jp = 故郷に向かって心の中で『行ってきます!』
| good_subject = Physical education...!
| good_subject = Physical education...!
| good_subject_jp = 体育なら…!
| secret_pride = She can predict over 70% of the daily menu.
| secret_pride = She can predict over 70% of the daily menu.
| secret_pride_jp = 日替わりメニューの予想的中率が7割以上
| frequent_purchase = Letter sets (to send letters to her mom).
| frequent_purchase = Letter sets (to send letters to her mom).
| frequent_purchase_jp = レターセット(お母ちゃんへの手紙用)
| secret1 = She can tell the difference between milks with just one taste.
| secret1 = She can tell the difference between milks with just one taste.
| secret1_jp = 実は、利き牛乳ができる。
| secret2 = She's good at giving piggy-back rides. The person on her back tends to get sleepy very easily.
| secret2 = She's good at giving piggy-back rides. The person on her back tends to get sleepy very easily.
| secret2_jp = 実は、おんぶが上手で背負われた人はすぐ眠くなる。

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