Party Dash:Sweep Tosho

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Sweep Tosho's game sprite

Sweep Tosho is a playable character in Party Dash. She is a part of Team Lily.


A stubborn grandma's girl, she goes by the moniker "Magical Girl Sweepy," hoping to surpass her grandmother's magic one day. She truly believes that if she keeps on winning races, her magic will also level up in turn. Since she's still learning magic, she often falls back to solving her problems the good old-fashioned way—with force. When she starts crying, it's hard to get her to stop.


Speed Stamina Power Guts Wit


Hurtling Hurdles

Leave Them in the Dust—Tansy!☆

Sweep Tosho exhausts the stamina of opponents around her.

Blazing Baskets


Sweep Tosho lobs a magical star that knocks back surrounding opponents where it lands.

Dodgeball Demolition

Ground Special

Warp Shot I

A shot that warps right to your target!

Air Special

Double Shot II

A shot that splits one ball into two!

Ultimate Shot


Sweep Tosho throws balls at each opponent's location that deal damage in an area where they land.

Gourmet Gauntlet

Server Skill


Sweep Tosho transforms the dishes she's currently holding into pleasing parfaits (rainbow dishes).

Eater Skill


Sweep Tosho drops a magical star, stunning all opposing servers and causing them to drop dishes.