Party Dash:Blazing Baskets

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Blazing Baskets is a Slapdash Grand Prix event in Party Dash where the objective is to score as many points by shooting a basketball into one or more hoops.

How to Play

In Blazing Baskets, try to score the most number of points by successfully making shots into the hoops. While in possession of the ball, players will move slower. Multiple hoops will appear as the event goes on, as well as many field effects. After any successful shot, the hoops switch to the opposite side of the court. Any player reaching the point goal (normally 300 points) will end the game immediately with them as the winner. Otherwise, the player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins.


Holding the shoot button will show a meter that slowly fills. Releasing the shoot button when the meter is full will increase the chance the ball will go in. The further from the hoop, the harder it is to make a shot. Quickly tapping the shoot button once will feint, allowing you to trick players without releasing the ball. Shooting while running toward the basket will perform a dunk if close enough, always scoring a shot unless blocked. During a dunk, you can choose to press the shoot button again to perform a layup, which can get past attempted blocks.


Dashing uses stamina to move quickly forward. While in possession of the ball, dashing instead performs a spin, dodging any attempted steals. Otherwise, dashing through the player in possession of the ball will attempt to steal the ball. If you successfully steal, you will recover stamina, and if the other player times a spin correctly, you will be staggered.


Jumping into air while in possession of the ball can be used to avoid players stealing the ball by dashing. However, colliding with a player in mid air risks them stealing the ball from you. Jumping can also be used to block shots, reducing the chance the ball goes in, or even stealing the ball if perfectly timed.


Earn a base of 20 points per shot scored. Successfully making a shot from behind the 3 point line will score an extra 10 points, for 30 in total. Players can score more points by timing shots to land in multiple hoops, if they are available.

Field Effects

A random field effect may occur when switching sides after a successful shot. Only one will appear at a time.

List of Field Effects
Conveyor Belts Move players around and make it harder to navigate the court.
Gale Warning High winds will slow down players and the ball moving against it, while speeding up those going in the opposite direction.
UFO An alien in a UFO will appear and randomly beam down, pulling up anyone standing under it into the air for a short time.
Vaulting Boxes Rows of tall boxes will be wheeled over the court. They can be jumped on to get some high ground.

Ball Types

The director will launch different types of balls at random that grant different effects.

Texture Type of Ball Effect
Normal Ball No effect.
Special Ball Keeping possession of the ball for a certain amount of time until it flashes gold will grant you a guaranteed shot. The time is lowered for players who are behind in points.
Bonus Ball Grants double points when scoring, after bonuses. Usually appear after a certain amount of time.


Each character's stats affects their ability in the event.

Stat Effect
Speed Increases movement speed.
Stamina Reduces stamina consumption.
Power Increases distance covered by dashes.
Guts No effect.
Wit Makes your skill charge faster.